28 Temmuz 2015 Salı

some small news

  • Got a cat at the beginning of the year. She was 3 months old when we got her. Typical tabby queen. Saved from the street. Now she is around 10 months old, 6 kg lazy and cute as fuck. She likes to wake us up at morning call and lay around all day. That is her life. We feed her mostly ProPlan Junior Dry food and her health improved majestically in the first 2 months. Not had a problem since. But she is a street cat at heart who will, despite having finished her daily meals, sneak and swipe away a whole loaf of bread from under your nose.
  • Got a new TV recently. 50". Highly recommended. Now wife is downloading like crazy all the 3D movies she can find. We have to watch AVATAR and the LEGO Movie tough.
  • Will be on a 2 week summer break to the mountains of Bulgaria. 7 lakes and Malyovitsa are regular sights but also plan to walk all the way to Rila Monastery this time.  
  • Life is good.

22 Temmuz 2014 Salı

Mehmet Tez - Milliyette Çıkan Yazısı

Cinler insanlara âşık olur mu?
Cinlerle sevişmek orucu bozar mı?
Taharet yaparken makatımdan içeri su kaçarsa oruç bozulur mu?
Yanlışlıkla küçük ayak parmağımın tırnağını yedim, orucum bozulur mu?
Sevdiğime kavuşmak için dua ediyorum, o da kendi sevdiğine kavuşmak için dua ediyor, kimin duası kabul olur?
Gayrimüslimlerin hakkını yemek günah mı?
Çocuğumu öpsem orucum bozulur mu?
Bu insanlar hangi hükümetler döneminde yetişti?
Hangi partiler, hangi başbakanlar, hangi bakanlar döneminde, hangi kanunlarla kurulan hangi okullardan, hangi yönetmeliklerle atanan hangi öğretmenlerin tedrisatından geçerek mezun oldu bu insanlarımız?
Nerelerde çalışıyor, neler üretiyor, hangi çocukları, nasıl büyütüyorlar?
Hangi nesilleri yetiştiriyorlar?
Biz kimler tarafından, neden ve hangi ara bu kadar cahil, bilgisiz ve çaresiz bırakıldık?
Bu cehaletten en çok kimler faydalanıyor?
Dalga geçmek, caps’leyip paylaşmak, like edip RT’leyerek “oha falan olmak” yerine aslında sormamız gereken sorular bunlardır.
Köprü, havaalanı, duble yol yapmakla olmuyor.
Çünkü cahillik betonla giderilmiyor.
2023, 2071 istediğin kadar tarih ver, insanına yatırım yapmayan bir memleketin 21’inci yüzyılda yeri yok, olmayacak.
Geçenlerde Eminönü alt geçitteki duvarda bir yazı:
“Hayaller Paris, gerçekler Eminönü.”
2014 itibarıyla durumumuz bu.

Turkish Residence Permit renewal for foreigners married with Turkish Citizen

Turkish Bureaucracy is a living hell, and not for the reasons it must be. 

People hate bureaucracy because it consists of never ending layers of walking from one desk/building to the other in an accumulation of acceptances until you reach the master who approves your stuff. On the road, you encounter clerks who care nothing about the health or logic of the system but only check one word in one sentence and approve your paper with holy rights if it is indeed there. It is kind of a bad analogy to a religious cast society. 

In Turkey tough, things are a bit different. Here in Turkey, no one exactly knows where to go or what to bring or what to sign even. There is an application process which may end up with you being kicked out of the country, still no one who are supposed to be in the bureaucracy link of this application process fully know what should be done.

On 2013 Turkish Government passed a bunch of bills that said "Issuing and renewal of residency permits will no longer be done by Security Department, but by Immigration Department"; which basically means we are no longer to go to Police Station for the residency permits but to the Local Government (Valilik) offices in our cities.      

So we set out on a journey to apply for renewal of my wives permit. After 2 Police Stations, 1 Valilik and 1 Kaymakamlık office and around 180 km we finally met a woman in the City Main Police Station who said "I will take the applications and here are a list of documents that I want". 

First confusion was, we should have applied to the Local Government, why do we have to go to police again. Her answer was "Because Local Government clerks are foreign to the application process, the application still goes on through Police Stations. Police gathers the documents for your application and sends them to Immigration office in Ankara".

Then she started counting a list of documents which made no sense. When I said we gave those documents 3 years ago when we first made the permit she said "You are wrong, these documents were not asked for before". As if I don't remember the trouble I have gone through to get all those papers many years ago. Still tough, at least she seemed to be the final stop. She gave us the list of documents. 

So in case you are gonna apply for renewal of permit in 2014, here is your top 10 list.

1. Insurance proof of foreigner  (Sigorta belgesi)
2. Salary proof of Turkish ct.    (Maaş yazısı / dekont)
3. Adress registration of Turkish ct.  (Adres Kaydı)
4. Detailed ID document of Turkish ct.  (Vukuatlı Nüfus Kayıt Örneği)
5. 4 pics of foreigner
6. 2 pics of Turkish ct.
7. ID photocopy of Turkish ct.
8. Passport photocopy of foreigner
9. The old residence permit booklet.
10. You will go to Local Governor Accountant Office and pay 50 TL fee for book keeping expenses and get a receipt.
11. You will go to Tax Office and get a Tax number for foreign (Vergi No)
12. You will open a Tax record from the tax office and pay 80$ / year in TL and get a receipt

After you have these 12 documents go back to Police Station / Foreigners Department as you did last year. Give them the documents and write and sign a petition which you will then take to the archives to be stamped. 

After that they will receive your application. 

Now, different from last year, You will not get your new permit in a few days. Your papers will go to Ankara, be checked, your new permit will arrive by mail. You know how we trust the mail service carry our private documents. 

This process may take up to 3 months. If you don't want to live without a permit for 3 months, tell the Foreigners Department that you need a proof of paper that you applied and are waiting for renewal papers. 

They will tell you to come back 1 week later. By then they will have finished writing a piece of paper that says your application is valid and you have temporary permit until your renewed residency arrives. Then you wait for mail. 

If mail doesn't come in 3 months go back to the Foreigners Department to ask about it. 

This is pretty much all for 2014. After 2015 we will have to go to Local Government office. But hopefully they will ask the same documents. 

30 Mayıs 2014 Cuma


Ok. Here is how the plan works.

Land in Sofia

1 day later SEPULTURA concert

1 day later start a week long mountain hiking trip with sleeping bags and tents and whatnot

Stay at over 2500 altitude and have 12-14 hour day long walking trips. Keep in mind you will never sleep twice in the same place; so everyday you walk, you have to walk until you reach next stop to sleep. Turning back is not an option.

1 day after we return from the mountain trip there is a possible 100km bike ride around vitosha mountain.

1 day later IRON MAIDEN concert... will be another blast.

After that we have 1-2 free days. Will check possibility to rent a car and visit one of these places.


And then there is a TORI AMOS concert at NDK

after one day rest we return to work. (downer)

20 Şubat 2014 Perşembe

emre yürüktürmen - yazıhaneden - ali ismail korkmaz

2 Haziran gecesinde sopalarla, tekmelerle, polis-sivil demeden dakikalarca dövülen, “vurmayın öldüm!” dedikçe daha çok vurulan, Yunus Emre Devlet Hastanesi’ne gittiğinde “doktor” Hasan Gülcü tarafından muayene edilmeyen ve kas gevşetici verilip ağır yaralı şekilde “karakola” gönderilen, dövülmesinden 20 saat sonra fenalaşınca tekrar hastaneye kaldırılan, 38 gün komada kaldıktan sonra 10 Temmuz’da can veren, Eskişehir Valisi Güngör Azim Tuna tarafından “polislerine suç atmak için arkadaşları tarafından öldürüldüğü” imasında bulunulan,2 dövülme görüntülerinin 18 dakikası önce silinen sonra bir anda tekrar ortaya çıkan, davası Kayseri’ye alınan Ali İsmail Korkmaz, iktidar sahiplerinin ve yalakalarının korkularını ve çaresizliklerini bize her gün bir kez daha hatırlatıyor, her gün biraz daha kuvvet veriyor.

özet geçtim. tldr demeyecekseniz link.